Unhealthy control is insidious, it’s under the radar. The feeling it creates is that you are on the back foot, you are either unaware of the nature of it or you just desperately want to make the situation right. It confuses you and makes you angry, sad and sorry all in one go. It does the above things in adult life, but when we are children and we have no separate sense of self, that is where the blue print is created. One element of control in parenting is a parent who restricts their child emotionally, the child ultimately feels smothered. You may now as an adult look back and realise that what you felt as a child was scrutinized and inspected. As an adult it is confusing, because parents who do this seem incredibly caring and bracket themselves into the ‘worry and fuss too much parents’. Parents who control by any different means do not trust and experience high anxiety themselves. When you have experienced this type of control as a child you may still feel a...
A blog about teenage mental health, anxiety, social anxiety, relationships, parenting and much more. I am a Child & Adolescent therapist in private practice and post adoption.