What's going on with the teenage brain, one minute your teenager is laughing and chatting on the phone, then you ask a simple question and his mood explodes like a party popper all over the house (only it doesn't feel like a party) and you feel like you have been on the receiving end of something really unfair. The dictionary example of unfair is not following the rules of a game or sport , the Cambridge dictionary example is not treating people in an equal way or not morally right . Both of these examples are true for parents of teenagers, you or I wouldn't put it in these terms, but the essence of the feeling is in these statements. So what is going on? Imagine your teenagers brain as a tree and just before puberty, there is an increase in grey matter in the prefrontal cortex, this part of the brain is responsible for logic and reasoning which helps with decision making. Unfortunately, during adolescence, the tree is pruned and cut back to generate stronger and s...
A blog about teenage mental health, anxiety, social anxiety, relationships, parenting and much more. I am a Child & Adolescent therapist in private practice and post adoption.