Anxiety learning week 1 I would like to start this series of blogs on anxiety by saying that I have suffered anxiety too large degrees, mostly in my 20’s and recently at 41, when I had become overwhelmed by taking too much on. This episode was short lived because after my training I had learnt to recognise the signs of anxiety and took steps to alleviate it and manage my self-care better. My 20’s anxiety was a different story, there was an accumulation of stress through wrong choices, parent bereavement in my teens (Age 14) and an overriding feeling of lowered coping capacity (basically a belief that I couldn’t cope with what life threw at me.) This summary is a simplified expression of a difficult time, I don’t want you to misunderstand me. There are many causes of anxiety in adolescence and adulthood. Some causes are from early trauma, from a traumatic event in adulthood and some are genetic. Today we are going to learn about all different causes of anxiety, to ...
A blog about teenage mental health, anxiety, social anxiety, relationships, parenting and much more. I am a Child & Adolescent therapist in private practice and post adoption.