I read recently that teenage girls on average check their social media accounts 50 times a day. I imagine snapchat to be like Slimer from Ghost busters (its logo is similar) every girl that it touches starts to have a negative attitude towards themselves and all their self-esteem gets sucked out of them into that proton pack and gets locks away. It’s a sad thought but it is true. I was recently travelling on the Virgin train to London when a girl got on at Preston. She was maybe 18, makeup done, headphones in and rucksack. She produced her makeup bag at Warrington Bank Quay and proceeded to do her make up (which was already done) until we reached Stafford (that takes an hour). I can honestly say that she looked NO different as a result of her make up tweaks then when she had boarded the train. She then took a photo once she shifted around in her seat for 5 minutes and then applied some more eyeshadow and took another photo that she was obviously more pleased with. I ob...
A blog about teenage mental health, anxiety, social anxiety, relationships, parenting and much more. I am a Child & Adolescent therapist in private practice and post adoption.